Ecolab e AM Instruments presentano il webinar “Approccio risk-based per gestire i residui dei biocidi e il loro impatto nei cicli produttivi”. Il webinar si rivolge al personale QA e QC, ai responsabili di reparti produzione e ai supervisori che vogliano approfondire le più recenti esigenze normative in relazione alle aree soggette al controllo della contaminazione.
La più recente versione dell’Annex 1 richiede che la procedura di pulizia sia eseguita in modo efficace per la rimozione dei residui dei disinfettanti. L’accumulo di residui visibili può rappresentare per gli enti ispettivi una prova che le procedure di pulizia e disinfezione adottate non sono sotto controllo.
Low residue concept/Surface residues in a cleanroom – The hidden impact
This presentation discusses the critical factors to consider when selecting a disinfectant for use within a cleanroom. These factors include efficacy, Health & Safety, operator acceptability, material compatibility and available formats. We then focus on the attribute receiving increased regulatory focus currently – disinfectant residue profiles. Residues vary by type and are not all equal. We ask what residues can mean to the cleanroom environment and why we should care about them.
Consideration is given to the management of both the visual impact of residues, such as build-up of dirt, visual discoloration, corrosion or damage to surfaces, and their physical impacts, including adverse interactions during rotation, interference of biocidal action, HSE, compliance and the effects on operational efficiency. Finally, regimes incorporating low residue biocides that help to strike a balance of these attributes are discussed.
Residues removal process/Residue management considerations aligned to future Annex 1 changes
Residues from cleaning and disinfection agents have received increased scrutiny, and the draft EudraLex Vol.4 Annex 1 gives them specific focus. This presentation outlines why residues matter, and discusses the regulatory, visual, and theoretical impact of residues if left unmanaged. Data on the comparative residues from different disinfectant agents, accumulation of agents from multiple applications and effective residue removal is provided. The financial impacts and ‘trade offs’ in process efficiency that may occur from managing residues is considered, and the potential benefits of low residue disinfectants discussed.
Il webinar si terrà venerdì 16 Aprile 2021, dalle ore 11:00 alle 12:30.
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